Further information on Welsh language street signs

  • In Wales, the inclusion of Welsh language street names is required under the standards of Welsh Language created by the Welsh Language (Wales) Measure 2011. The Standards were introduced to replace the Welsh Language Schemes which were developed by each local council. Most local councils continue to refer to their own Welsh Language Scheme in their guidance on street naming.
  • The Measure does not provide detail of how the Standards affect street signage, but official guidance has been published by the Welsh Language Commissioner. This guidance clarifies the language requirements for street signs. These include the use of spelling to emphasise the pronunciation recognised by the Welsh Government and whether dual (English and Welsh) or single forms should be used on street signs.
  • The Welsh Language Standards (No. 1) Regulations 2015 detail extensive standards that apply to local authorities in Wales. There are no standards that deal specifically with street signs. However, Standards 61-63 could potentially apply (Standards relating to signs displayed by a body). Without an explicit reference to street signs it is advised that there is further engagement with the Welsh Language Commissioner to obtain a definitive view.