Local authorities operate either with executive arrangements or under a committee system. Under both systems, decision making can be delegated to officers of the authority.
Executive Arrangements
A local authority operating under executive arrangements will have either a leader and cabinet model or a directly elected mayor and cabinet model.
- The leader or the elected mayor and the individual cabinet members can make decisions on executive matters themselves depending upon the authority’s Constitution.
- Decision making can be delegated to officers of the authority.
- Where a decision is made within the authority it will be determined by the authority’s Constitution and the scheme of delegation.
- Where authority is delegated to officers or to an individual elected member, decisions may still be referred upwards to Cabinet/a directly elected mayor/the Leader.
Committee system
A local authority that has a committee system involves them authorising various committees of elected members to discharge its functions.
- There is no individual decision making by elected members.
- Decision making can be delegated to officers of the authority.
- Where a decision is made within the authority it will be determined by the authority’s Constitution and the scheme of delegation.
- Where authority is delegated to officers decisions may still be referred upwards to committee/Full Council.