Click on an area of the flow diagram below for an explanation of the relevant steps, and links to the full Code of Practice
Application forms
- Comply with the SNN Code of Practice and should include the following required information: contact name, contact address, contact e-mail address, telephone number, type of application, type of development, location of development, location/layout plan, planning reference number and the suggested street names.
- Should be available and accessible on authorities website
Application channels
- Completed application forms can be submitted by various means including online forms, direct e-mail, telephone, post and social media.
Receive and validate application
- Validate applications in line with your authority’s timescales policies. Applications should be validated against all required information, appropriate planning approvals and building regulations.
- Reject application if information is missing
Validate suggested street name
or recommend new street name
- Validate suggested street name against SNN Code of Practice (includes duplication, living people, awkward spelling or pronunciation problems, rude names, construed as marketing/advertising etc.) including appropriate street name suffixes.
- Validate suggested street name against authority’s policies and governance process.
- Identify required location of street name plate in accordance with SNN Code of Practice.
- Advise applicant if street name rejected and negotiate/suggest appropriate alternative.
- If no street name is suggested recommend to the applicant appropriate street name that complies with SNN Code of Practice and authority’s policies.
Approval process
- Seek approval for validated/recommended street name. Approval should include any consultation processes contained in the Code of Practice and/or adopted under your authority’s governance process.
- Any objections should only be made in accordance with SNN Code of Practice and authority’s street naming policies.
- Any alternative suggested street name should comply with the SNN Code of Practice and authority’s policies.
- Advise applicant if validated/recommended street name is rejected. Negotiate alternative suggested street name.
- Document formal approval decision in accordance with your authority’s governance process.
- Approval documents can include delegated decisions, Cabinet/Committee reports,
- Approval documents should comply with the SNN Code of Practice and include document title, matter, type and location, development name, approved street name, reason for street names, plan of new street names or renaming of existing street, decision, date decision taken, file/document reference number, place of inspection and signature name and date of approving officer.
Approved allocation document
- Produce approved allocation document in accordance with the SNN Code of Practice.
- Document should include document title and date, applicant, development name (if applicable), approved Street name, plan of new street name or renaming of existing street (includes location of required street name plates), specification of street name plates and file/document reference number
Output channels
- Issue approved allocation document by various means including direct e-mail, telephone, post, social media and online portal.